Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Gives Day 2020

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato

Dear Colorado music fans,

With large concerts cancelled and small venues struggling to survive, so many of us have had to experience music from our homes this year. Musicians and music producers got very creative, providing all of us, hungry for live entertainment, with a plethora of web-based “living room” concerts and previously recorded live shows. The music never stopped; it just came to us in different packaging.

Even so, many of our music friends – – musicians, venues, music stores, nonprofits and industry professionals –have had a devastating year with crippling financial losses that for some will be insurmountable. It’s been a year none of us could have predicted or prepared for.

As a nonprofit whose activities have centered around annual live induction concerts, Colorado Music Hall of Fame, like so many others, also felt this impact and had to pivot this year. Rather than venturing into the new world of virtual concert production (for now!), we opted instead to postpone our 2020 induction in hopes that we can all come together for a live show sometime in 2021. This shift was not an easy one to make, since, along with it, came the loss of our primary revenue source. Although the Hall of Fame maintains a lean budget, being a principally volunteer-led organization with only one staff member, we still had to dip into our cash reserve in order to remain operational. We recognize that our small nonprofit is one of the lucky ones in that we were able to make this choice rather than having the choice made for us.

Now, as we enter this season of giving, we encourage all of you who have the means to do so to consider a tax-deductible donation to Colorado Music Hall of Fame. Or, select another music nonprofit in our state. Support local musicians and music venues however you can. We need them, and they need us. This is the time to make sure that the music doesn’t stop.

We’re all in this together, and MUSIC WILL PREVAIL.

Colorado Music Hall of Fame is looking forward to a fresh start in 2021—which is a big year for us, our 10th anniversary! In our first decade, we captured the state’s music history, inducting over 40 legendary musicians, industry professionals and institutions. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we plan to make more history, as a champion for all Colorado music—past, present and future.

This concert-less year of 2020 provided us with an opportunity to reflect on what the Hall of Fame has accomplished and dream about the road we can pave into the future.

JOIN US. Our next 10 years are going to be a journey filled with local-grown Colorado music!

Help us keep the music playing (loud!),
Karen Radman
Executive Director
Colorado Music Hall of Fame

Schedule your Colorado Gives Day donation today or give on December 8 by clicking the image below!

Colorado Gives Day